Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Master craftsman Guido Angelini (BY YUSRA BOUTAQBOUT)

G uido angelini was born in bellaria (Italy) on march 14th 1908, and now lives in Rimini,an Adriatic coastal resort,where as a youngster, hes studied as a lute-market. Later he became a skilled mechanic for the army and, already a talented craftman , one day decided to experiment working with sliver .Modelling it as if it were steel , he made a medallion reproducing the design of an equestrain statue. A visting general , struck by his artistis talent , introduced him to Remo Luca , a master goldsmith with whom Angelini moved to Tripoli in 1935, where Lica was appointed director of the newly founded Goldsmith's School (Scuola di Arte Orafa ) . After the Second World War , the school was privatiesd and Angelini continued to teach there both as chief operator and animator , establishing the school as the crucible of authentic as the crucublie of authentic masterpicecs in libyan goldsimthery . He taught the difficult art to his apprentices , so creating skilled local craftsmen , who contirbuted in making the school an orignal , prestigious instirution of special kind, Angalilni invented his own tools and a new mechanical system to facilitate the use of working silver with the rolling-mill, After long years of accurate and painstaking study , he reached a recognisable style , linking his creations to the needs of modern society.Linear and geometric motifs, inspired b y u n i q u e ancinet motifs of saharan jewellery , decorated neckless , rings and bracelets adored with beading and filigree techniques. But he also made articles such as plates, candelabra and ornamental boxes lined with sudanese leather . Angelini's works became so well-known that , even today, much of Libyan craftsman still carries his name and reflects the refined style of his teachings.


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