Wednesday, January 11, 2012

By: Ali Alosta


some insects live together just like humans in colonies which are like insect groups or colonies : there are four main typrs of insects that are making this kind of group colonies arrangments which are termines and threee other types which all belong t the same sub group and they are bees , wasps and ants.some kinds of termines make thier nests insisde a huge pile of mud and earth called a termite mound . the termites build the mound out of wet mud which grows hard after getting affected by the hot rays coming form the sun . teh main part of the nestis below ground levvel. it ha hundreds of tunnels and chambers where the termites live , feed and breed . termites mounds are incredbly complex constructions , they can reach 10 meters tall , and have air coditioning shafts built into control the temperature of the to within one degree . inside teh termite " city " there are various groups of termites , with diefferent kinds of work to do inside that small " city " . some tunnels into the soil and collect food such as tiny bits of plants . others guard teh entrance o the nest and bite any animal that goes near it or any animal that try to enter . some look after the egggs taht have lain buy the queen and taken to this care chamber and some look after the new young forms or larvae .

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