Saturday, December 3, 2011

Red, Black and Green.

Red, Black and Green.

I'm in the crowd wondering how long it'll  take to hear that word...That word, we all longed to
hear, just that one word we all longed to have.

The colour of freedom: Red , Black, and Green. Those colours that were hidden from Libyans
everywhere from the greed of one man. That greed that will soon lead to his destruction.
Libya's potential that was hidden by that greed, the greed of money and power against the
people's lives and rights. The greed that killed many during his so called "revolution" and after
all the Libyans joined together and started Libya's true revolution. The revolution that we all
waited for, that we all prayed everyday for. Little did he know that Libyans will and prayers are
stronger than his weapons and greed..

The images we saw of the brave martyrs who lost their lives for their country, those martyrs
who will never be forgotten. The sights of the people's suffering, the destruction caused ,and
how people's lives were literally moving before them. People who lost their lives for that one
word, the word with never ending meanings to all of us. Just that one word: Freedom.
Freedom stands for something greater than just the right to act however I choose—it also
stands for securing to everyone an equal opportunity for life, liberty, and the pursuit of
happiness. Freedom is the word we all hadn't heard in a while, Freedom is the word we all
wanted and longed to have.

So now when I'm asked about Libya and freedom, I simply reply
saying: Libya's Freedom can simply be put in these three simple words:
Red, Black and Green.
Those colours that are now fluttering everywhere, that are put up high, my favourite colours.
In conclusion i will say raise your head up high, you're a free Libyan.

By: Fatma Senussi Zaidan                            

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