Wednesday, December 28, 2011

International School of Tripoli (or known as GEMS)

I bet that most of you actually stopped to read this (or the first few lines) just to see what I am going to say (or in this case write) but let me tell you from the start so not to disappoint you (my close friends pls don’t comment) and I am going to say it in the nicest possible way …………….our school ROCKS and yours SUCK.
There I said it BUT I did not write this post just to pick a fight but to change some students image of it and I have heard some unbelievable stories but I won’t go with the names.
I have heard that in IST they charge you with 50 L.D for throwing some covers on the floor and let me clear this they NEVER EVER did that and who do you think we are to get this money for every time we throw something .
This brings me to the next canard which says that most of the students there are pro-shafshofa and this is personally….ok we had pro-Geddaffi but not all of us (not even 30 % of us) and we are not many and if some of you guys have noticed that in one of the videos that have been shown in Libya Al Ahrar channel in June shows a car that have the school car pass on the right and the camera man says what geddaffi was doing and the car was passing the sea road when 2 men from al kata2eb stopped the car and then the camera fell on the floor but was still working and we have heard them shouting and then someone picks the camera and stops it and let me say that I am sure (thought hope I am wrong) that the 2 guys are killed because it was in a sensitive period .
Last rumor that says that we work with fingerprints in the canteen (cafeteria) and for GOD SAKE who do you think we are (again).
I am sure that most of you are furious by now (if you have read the whole thing) but to make it up IST made a HUGE unforgivable and unforgettable mistake which is that it closed in the beginning of the events and did not answer the phone/email/door (gate) and gave us no clue on what to do nor returned the money or paid the teachers and it was cheap of them unlike ISM that welcomed us to do the final exams there (believe it or not I said it).
Overall IST is like my second home where I made amazing and unique friends, where we did not care if someone was not cool or have bad English as we were like a big family and the good thing of ISM is ……………………………..well right now I cant think of any but I will let you know when I find any.


  1. IST is like the poo of poo of poo of a fly.

  2. what ?!!! it does not even make sense but very poetic and good to see your point of view.

    1. A fly and a flea flew into a flue
      Said the fly to the flea "What shall we do?"
      Said the flea "let us fly"
      Said the fly "Let us flee"
      So they flew through a flaw in the flue"

      No poo involved at all!
