Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Quote of the week 3

"Strategy is the art of making use of time and space. I am less concerned about the latter than the former. Space we can recover lost time never."

- Napoleon Bonaparte

For those of you who aren’t aware, Napoleon was a B.A.M.F. (Bad Ass Mother F-----). At the mere age of twenty seven he was beginning his campaigns against Italy and eventually conquering them. He was a strategic military genius and he was only around five feet four inches tall. Napoleon also reformed much of France’s political and economic structure when he had become emperor. He instituted the Legion of Honor which is still the most esteemed military decoration in France. The “Napoleon” complex or Short Man syndrome of psychology is inspired by his personality; apparently Napoleon was aggressive towards those who were taller or larger than himself. After noting down that this short genius made his own civil code, led military expeditions when he was only a young man, he’s also noted as an inspiration for a specific concept in psychology, and they named a dessert after him. To conclude I think it’s fair to state that Napoleon was a historically valid B.A.M.F.

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