Saturday, December 3, 2011

My new school...

International School of Martyrs

     My name is Osama, I am 15 years old . It is my first year in High School, I moved to a new 
school called ISM .My first day was hard because I dont have any friends to speak with, I felt 
alone and bored .
 My first class was English , the teacher was nice . There were many students in the class most of
 them were boys. I made new friends from different ages and differnt grades.
The school was very big compared to my old one,it has gymnasium, gardens and a huge feild.

     Because of the unfortunate events that Libya had witnessed,most of the school teachers left the 
country.So the school had to bring substitute teachers. the new teathers were good but not as good as   
the previous ones .Because we had started late the school had to change the semester, instead of 
having 3 terms ,we will have  2 terms this year.
This year every thing changed ,the syllabuse became  harder, so i had to study harder .I took a new
subject this year which is buisness , I found it little hard but i will try my best to understand it.

     My friends were nice to me ,we had alot of fun playing football,bascketball and table tenis,they 
helped me with my studies.I respect them and they respect me too we are like brothers.
The problem was that there is no cafeteria in the school.
The best thing was that you dont need to buy books ,they just give it to you and then you return them 
back by the end of the year , I also liked the way how the sports teacher trains us.
So these are my opinions of my new school and i hope you like it.

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