Directed by Tom Hooper and written by David Seidler, "The King's Speech" is a historical dramatic film that talks about the story of King George VI (played by Colin Firth),father of Queen Elizabeth II and his impromptu ascension to the throne.The movie entered the box office and was a critical success.It made over four hundred million dollars internationally in addition to that the movie has won many awards and nominations.
After the death of his father,King George V(played by Michael Gambon) and the abjuration of King Edward VII (played by Guy Pearce), King George VI hesitantly assumes the throne.
King George V has been concerned for Britain's future since his eldest son abdicated and his son who is next in line for the throne suffers from a speech impediment.Britain's King George VI has always been provoked by his speech impediment.He has been suffering from the stammer since he was a child, it results in Prince Albert's dread in speaking in public announcements and that leads in the public acting skeptical or doubtful towards him. King George VI's (also known as Albert,called Bertie by his family) wife Elizabeth (played by Helena Carter) wants to increase her husband's confidence so that he will be able to speak among the crowds assuredly.She encounters an unconventional Australian speech therapist Lionel Logue (played by Geoffry Rush) with unorthodox techniques that will help King George VI to make progress with his speeches and oral communication. They start out in a inimical relationship but then both gain each others respect and become friends.Lionel addresses King George VI as "Bertie" instead of the "his royal highness" because he believes he will be able to find the cure if they were both treated as equals.King George VI gives up after the first day of the treatment but then after hearing the tapes recorded by Lionel changes his mind especially since he needs to make a speech if Britain is entering a war with Germany. Lionel is the only therapist who made progress in finding a cure to King George VI's speech impediment after finding the psychological problems that resulted in the cause of the stammering. The speech therapist helps the unsure monarchy become worthy of his throne.
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