Friday, January 27, 2012


    Instruments come in many different shapes andsizes. There are hundreds of different types but the greatest of them all is theguitar. It is the core of many genres of music. There are three types of guitar.The acoustic guitar, classic guitar and electric guitar. The acoustic guitar iswhat you hear in many western country songs. It has this somewhat metallicsound to it. The classic guitar is what you would hear in Spanish music andsoothing instrumental music. It sounds quite light and has a more refined senseof elegance compared to its counterparts. 
  The electric guitar is probably the mostpopular. Anything played on the electric guitar will sound awesome. It is theeasiest to play out of all three. Also the most fun to jam on.
       The amount of guitar players in Libya suddenly sky rocketed after therecent revolution. I never thought that there was this much talent around.Someday a Libyan band will become famous and recognized globally.

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