ali alosta
tiger sharks
this shark is famour for trying to eat nearly everything , in the hope that it might b tasty .however , some of the items it swallows are not even food sych as tin cas and beach shoes they will also try to catch fast agile prey such as sea lions and seals , bitning hard so thier prey bleeds to death and that it might ven weaken . tirger sharks are cannibals : taht means that they eat thier own kind and that means that they other tige sharks wich is vey rare in the anmal kingdom . young tiger sharks have stripes along the side of thier bodies like a real tiger that helps them to hide or be amouflaged , among shaows of sea weed and roks . however , the stripes fade with age and hardly become notasable when thier older and that is because they do not ned it any more , becaue sharks only need this kind of illusion when they are young to protect them selves against other animals but now they are old all other big animals will be scared of them . tiger sharks swim right up to the beach someimes at night time that is because they go thier hoping to find easy catch food at night for them to feed on .they didnt seem to swim in the water tahts so shallow , it would hardly cover your knees . this can make it dangerous to go padellig ??? !!!
this is a case of re-editing PRONTO !....