Saturday, December 31, 2011


WHAT A YEARR EYY!! 2011 has been the weirdest experience of any Libyan, although I will admit I sadly wasn’t in the country when nato came to the rescue, however being in the country or not, the feeling of pride you get when your country has finally risen to the challenge was one that can never EVER be forgotten. Heres the thing though, did any of YOU think that we would actually make it??? That Gaddafi once and for all when DIE and beautiful Libya will be LIBERATED?? Coz I sure as hell didn’t.
It started off with Tunis, massallah the guy that started all of this, lets just hope he's in heaven. After that it completely went over Libya and Egypt decided to take action. DAMN! I thought that was it, our chance of being free was over L but heyyy FEB 17 came to the rescue! And Bengazi started the civil war to freedom. So all the cities started to take action and take back what's rightfully theirs. MISSSUURRAAATTTAAA J oww yess im a very VERY proud Misuratie, I think its safe to say that Misurata did help out a lot. I mean did anyone see that Syrian lady on the news? "Either bring us nato or towar Misurata!" WOOPP WOOPP. Although I am not one to give credit for my own city and ignore the rest. Every beautiful part of Libya had its tough times and they all rose to the challenge. ALLAHO AKBAR J. YAHH im a proud Libyan. Who would of thought the new years of 2011, that yaa "this year Gaddafi is going to finally be gone with??" Honestly, I think I can safely say NO ONE! Oww wee really owe it to the towar, ppl. A lot gave there life for freedom and more lost a part of their body for this, as the rest of us sat on our bums eating and praying that Libya titharrar. But is that enough? Not think soooo! I believe that everyone that reads this should have THIS one of there new year revolution : go visit a tawar. Let them know your unbelievably thankful for what they have done, because honestly these people need the support and love each and everyone of us has to give. HAPPY NEW YEARSS EVERYONE! And may 2012 a year full of joy, happiness and FUN J.

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