I have recently fallen in love with this new song called "iris" by Goo Goo Dolls. Although i've heard that song MILLIONS of times before, once ever acouple of years i fall in love with it all over again.
it could be from " and i would give up forever to touch you" to the actual sound track but that song could easily bring you to tears, EASILY, esp. after like a really horrible day.
Does love like that truly exist? I mean i'm totally one for love stories but have you ever heard two people truly falling in love and never falling out of it? All real life love stories have a part that breaks your heart. Maybe one partner cheated or one of them dyed or something with a tragic ending.
Lets be real for a minute here. Songs and movies put SUCH HIGH EXPECTATIONS for love that i bet if i ever fall in love i wouldn't even know its love because its nothing like the movies, so why do people write such beautiful love stories when no guy could live up to its expectations, i mean im the girl and i find it hard to believe someone like that exists, how hard must it be for the guys when THERE the ones expected to be that sweet and amazing???
SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN: why do real life love stories suck compared to the ones we hear or watch? I mean i for one which my love was like the movie Titanic just without the sad ending, i want my love to last forever :)
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