Saturday, February 25, 2012


seventeenth of february is the day when rebels in all regions of libya started the revolution. This day was the start where many young men sAcrified themselves so that we can live today.
Every year people will celebrate in this day , so that to make those who lost their chlidren in freeing libya become proud.
I myself enjoyed that day , as i woke up in the early morning of last friday which was seventeenth of february , i read quarter of the quran for those who sacrified themselves for us , then after a few time i went with my friends to pray in the mosque, the mosque was incedible people were dressed as if it was the eid and even the way the situation was as if it was one of our eids. As we finished praying , we decided to eat dinner in my house and then to go to alshuhada square .

As we reached there we started to wave with our flags ,we spent most of our time waving. for sure we did other things like singing the national anthem for more than one time until i almost memoried it.
at about 9 pm that friday the situation became realLy excited, where we where given balloons so as to write the rebEls names in our family and then alLoW them to move in the sky. I actually didnot have any rebels so i wrote tHe name of my friend who died in the revolution.

At about 11 pm my friends and i were really exhauStEd so we decided to go to our homes.
in conclusion, the seventeeth of february is a day that all libyanS will celebrate in every year SO as to make the parents of all who were killed in freeing libya become proud.

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