Saturday, March 31, 2012

We Bought a Zoo

It is a comedy-drama film that was released on December , 2011 and reached the box office at about 103 million. The movie was directed by Cameron Crowe . After the death of his wife, a widowed father decides that his family needs a fresh start, so he and his two children move to the most unlikely place : a zoo.

Benjamin Mee (played by Matt Damon) and his two children , fourteen-year- old Dylan and seven- year- old Rosie have been having a hard time since a family member had passed. Benjamen's wife ( the children's mother) had died six months earlier. Since she passed Dylan has been acting out and has been expelled in addition to that there has been a lack of communication between him and his father.In order to receive a fresh start their father looks for new locations for them to live which he finds a suitable place that turns out to be a zoo. He purchases the large property which delights Rosie but causes Dylan to retreat to his artwork.

The zoo staff lead by the head zoo keeper, Kelly ( played by Scarlett Johansson ) help Benjamin with renovating the zoo and making it safe so that zoo can pass the inspection and open.
After all the spending Benjamin puts into the zoo , he soon sinks into deep financial trouble which turns the staff against him. Later on he is saved by his wife because she left him an investment account and his staff regains trust in him. Dylan has regained the trust in his father and they started to talk again. A week before the zoo's opening day a great storm rainstorm strikes (worst rainstorm in one hundred years and may last weeks) . There was a clear,sunny sky on the opening day of the zoo but later on they were disappointed because no one arrived. They later realized that a tree had fell during the storm and has blocked the road. They help the people to pass and the zoo tickets were all sold out.

Later on Benjamin takes his children were he met their mother and told them their story and the children feel that their mother is there.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Tragedy of Macbeth

The Tragedy of Macbeth is a Shakespearean play that takes place in medieval Scotland. The play begins with a brief encounter that includes witches and then to a military camp where the Scottish King Duncan hears that Macbeth and Banquo have defeated the armies of Norway and Ireland. During crossing a moor,Macbeth and Banquo meet three witches. The three witches have a prophecy that Macbeth will receive a higher rank(Thane of Cawdor) of nobility and will eventually be the king but his companion,Banquo won't be king although his descendants will.

After the witches leave, the two men become skeptical about the prophecies until the king's men come to inform Macbeth that he's become the new Thane of Cawdor since the previous one has been condemned to death due to his treason. They start to believe the witches since the first part of the prophecy has come true. Macbeth visits King Duncan and they plan to dine together. Macbeth write to his wife about all the previous events. Lady Macbeth is certain that her husband must be King and tries to persuade him to murder the king when he arrives at Iverness. Macbeth objects at first but later he's persuaded and plan to get the guards drunk and kill the king then put the blame on the guards since they won't be able to remember the events that occurred. Macbeth kills King Duncan while he is asleep and since everyone thinks the guards killed him, Macbeth murdered them out of wrath . The King's children flee for their life since they're terrified that whoever killed their father will murder them as well.Since King Duncan is dead, Macbeth seizes kingship.

Macbeth becomes paranoid that his companion's descendants will become kings so he sends a group of men to kill Banquo and his son Fleance . Banquo gets murdered although Fleance flees. Macbeth becomes angry since Fleance is one of Banquo's descendants and may seize power and become king. During a feast Banquo's ghost visits Macbeth and he acts fearfully so he startles his guests and Lady Macbeth tries to keep natural. He leaves to go to the witches and receives more prophecies that make him feel more empowered and secure. When the witches tell him to beware from Macduff who fled to England, he kills his wife and children and takes his castle.
Macduff in England wants revenge for his family and Duncan's son , Prince Malcom has started an army in which Macduff joined and Scottish nobles sided with. Since they were all afraid of his homicidal behavior. Lady Macbeth commits suicide since she started sleepwalking and imagining blood stains in her hands. He comes pessimistic after he hears the news of her suicide and since the witches say he is invincible, he becomes more confident because no man born from a woman can kill him. Macbeth fights violently but they surround his castle in which Macduff encounters Macbeth and tells him he was “ untimely ripped ” from his mother’s womb ( in other words,it's medical term is birth by cesarean section ) . They fight but Macduff wins and Malcolm becomes the King of Scotland.

Saturday, February 25, 2012


seventeenth of february is the day when rebels in all regions of libya started the revolution. This day was the start where many young men sAcrified themselves so that we can live today.
Every year people will celebrate in this day , so that to make those who lost their chlidren in freeing libya become proud.
I myself enjoyed that day , as i woke up in the early morning of last friday which was seventeenth of february , i read quarter of the quran for those who sacrified themselves for us , then after a few time i went with my friends to pray in the mosque, the mosque was incedible people were dressed as if it was the eid and even the way the situation was as if it was one of our eids. As we finished praying , we decided to eat dinner in my house and then to go to alshuhada square .

As we reached there we started to wave with our flags ,we spent most of our time waving. for sure we did other things like singing the national anthem for more than one time until i almost memoried it.
at about 9 pm that friday the situation became realLy excited, where we where given balloons so as to write the rebEls names in our family and then alLoW them to move in the sky. I actually didnot have any rebels so i wrote tHe name of my friend who died in the revolution.

At about 11 pm my friends and i were really exhauStEd so we decided to go to our homes.
in conclusion, the seventeeth of february is a day that all libyanS will celebrate in every year SO as to make the parents of all who were killed in freeing libya become proud.

Friday, February 24, 2012

" The Big Year " is an American comedy film that reached the box office after it's release in the box office at October 2011 . It was written by Mark Obmascik and directed by David Frankel.
The movie is about three bird enthusiasts competing to win " The Big Year"."The Big Year" is a quest to find the most species of birds in North America in one year. The individual that succeeds in finding the most wins. Unknowingly they are also competing with the facts in their lives , win or lose it affects them outside the competition as well.

Kenny Bostick (played by Owen Wilson) , the current record holder of the last Big Year is feeling paranoid about someone else exceeding his record of 732 birds, so he secretly decides on taking another big year and also watches his competition . Brad Harris (played by Jack Black) and Stu Preissler (played by Steve Martin) are both attempting to take part in a Big Year and beating the record of the conceited,arrogant and mischievous Bostick but also trying to keep it to themselves. Thanks to Bostick getting Stu seasick while being in the boat bird-watching,Stu and Brad became friends. They travel from place to place to try and take the record of the birds while having obstacles in the way , family problems or workplace problems. After being tricked by Bostick , Brad and Stu team up in order to beat him.

In the end of the road when the results were out, Bostick won the competition but lost his family unlike Stu and Brad.

Monday, February 13, 2012

What I want to do after 10 years.

What I want to do after 10 years is to be a part of the ministry of youth and sports so I try and add new sports and hobbies to the country or care about unpopular sports because not  all people play  football,basketball and all those sports that include a ball or running , there other people who play other different sports such as skateboarding or mountain biking and allot of other sports that are missing in this country.
This way the youth will have things to do in their spare time this will let them avoid bad things such as smoking,drinking or wasting time in the streets and let them look forward to championships or tournaments  maybe this way they can make their country proud of them .

Gay Rights In Libya

It's not okay to be gay ; you can call me 'narrow minded' or what ever you like but I'd never believe in a man-man relationship .

All the respect they're having , the appreciation they're getting is a bit awkward when scientists develop in many fields like aviation , biology & electronics are never mentioned , while gays like hairstylists and fashion designers are known globally .

In a country like Libya , this would be the weirdest thing ever ,were a muslims give gays rights ! lets start with the marriage , how can it be legal to have a man-man marriage ? Who's going to play the wife's part ? If a problem goes on between the couple , who's going to 'divorce' the other guy ?
These kinds of marriages are prohibited by Islam , Allah & even in the Holy Quran it's forbidden for two men to get in an affair .

In Libya , we youth gets prostitutes with no legal actions ,when Jack Daniel's is sold cheaper than water , when Mariguana is given for free (5 leaves for each citizen) , when another Vegas is built in our enormous desert , that time can ask for their rights

In the end of this , Allah might have brought gays up to this world for a reason that we'd never know .


It is the most famous match in the world ,
between the most spectacular players in the world ,
the shrewd coaches , in the best league in the world .
whether you are a football fan or not ,whether you are an adult , teenager or a kid you must 've heard about this global occasion.
AS a fan of the blancos (Realmadrid) i 've been watching the Clasico since 2005\2006 season ,and from that time i had been a Realmadrid fan until today ,even though Realmdrid had won few titles since that time and Barcelona had overcame them in the majority of the matches played , i am still a big fan of the club specially after the nomination of  Florintino Periz was the head of the club in the beginning of this decade, as he succeed to be a president of Real Madrid for the second time the fans was eager to see their club on the podium again.
In the last years Clasico in the Camp Nou , Florintino Periz   was expecting the best from his team who was managed by the special one (Morinho) after he signed a 4 years contract with the club, He was supposed to show his best in his first Classico against the rivals.
Cristiano Ronaldo  had a special competitor ...Lionel Messi . Ronaldo and Messi are the best players on the world  
 and that  gives a special taste for the best game in the face of the world,
 not only this the Clasico contains alot of stars like Xavi , Ineasta ,Casillas , Ramos , 
 Puyol and others throughout the history.
Now lets have a view for the results of the lastest matches of the Clasico.
May 5, 2008 – Real Madrid 4-1 Barcelona(league)
December 13, 2008 – Barcelona 2-0 Real Madrid(league)
May 2, 2009 – Real Madrid 2-6 Barcelona(league)
November 29, 2009 – Barcelona 1-0 Real Madrid(league)
April 10, 2010 – Real Madrid 0-2 Barcelona(league)
Monday November 29, 2010-Barcelona 5-0 Real Madrid(league)
Saturday, April 16, 2011-Real Madrid1-1 Barcelona(league)
Wednesday, April 20, 2011 Barcelona 0-1 Realmadrid (cup final)
Wednesday, April 27, 2011-Real Madrid 0-2 Barcelona(Champions League)
Tuesday, May 3, 2011 Barcelona1-1 Realmadrid (Champions League)
Saturday, December 10, 2011-Realmadrid 1-3 Barcelona (league)
These are the latest results of the Clasico which shows the apparent progress for Barca upon Madrid. This does change nothing in my mind as a Real Madrid fan but increase my insistence to support this club even more.